
Our team is continually seeking talented individuals to join us. We are open to applications for positions as postdoctoral fellows or PhD students. Should you be interested in any of these roles, please reach out to Kenji Fukushima for further details.

Our laboratory operates in an English-speaking environment, and we warmly welcome international students and postdoctoral researchers. We are also happy to assist you with your application for fellowships and scholarships.

Choosing a research topic

The selection of research projects for new members will be a collaborative process involving both the candidate and Kenji, with a focus on their individual interests and areas of expertise. It is preferable for these projects to align with at least one aspect of ongoing research in materials, technology, or biological phenomena, as this approach ensures the feasibility of new research. Nevertheless, we are equally receptive to considering entirely new research projects that have the potential for groundbreaking discoveries. We particularly welcome new members joining our team to introduce fresh ideas and perspectives to our lab.

Joining as a PhD student

At NIG, we provide PhD courses conducted in English. Although NIG primarily functions as a research institute, we are associated with SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies), which offers an extensive PhD program. SOKENDAI’s courses include both 3-year PhD courses (for those with a master’s degree) and 5-year courses (for those without a master’s). Please note that we generally do not have a program dedicated solely to a master’s degree.

For further details, including information on tuition and fellowships, please consult the links provided below. NIG also offers an internship program specifically designed for undergraduate students. If you are interested in this opportunity, we encourage you to contact us for more information.

Joining as a postdoc

We announce open postdoc positions through various channels, including the NIG career page and JREC-IN. Please contact Kenji for potential opportunities to receive information about positions before they are publicly announced.

If you are interested in starting new research in our lab, we advise to apply for fellowships such as JSPS Fellowships, HFSP Postdoctoral Fellowships or NIG Postdoctoral Fellowships. We will provide support during the application process.

Should your research interest coincide with Kenji’s areas of interest, there is a possibility for Kenji to seek research funding. However, please note that this process, from initial preparation to funding acceptance, typically spans over a year.